Can We Auto-Correct Humanity?

Can We Auto-Correct Humanity?

Why I Refuse to Let Technology Control Me.

You need not delete your social networks or destroy your cell phones, the message is simple, be balanced, be mindful, be present, be here. 🙂

Download This Spoken Word Now:

Audio only version here:

Music composed by DJsNeverEndingStory

Graphics done by Neonbyte

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Prince EA

// @PrinceEa

36 thoughts on “Can We Auto-Correct Humanity?”

  1. We are more connected than any other time,instead of reading a news paper and not talking to others,we read news on the phone,and talk to friends,mothers,dads,family,etc

  2. this is such a touching video and i will never forget it. I’m so ready to find humanity again. someday..

  3. my friends should see this, you know we sit in the pub while he peers at his phone or he takes photos of his drink or food it pisses me off

  4. mfw never had ianything becuase apple sucks ass, never used facebook, internet has brought me much me much happyness in dark times.

    fuck off normie.

  5. who are you
    is this some kinda trap
    this speaks to my soul
    we are almost there
    keep pushing forward

  6. my little sister yelled at mum when she found out her bed in our new house wasnt close enough to the socket so she could charge her tab while in bed…….When i was her age i wanted a bed near the window so i could watch the sunrise,stars,the sky, kids play outside and when dad comes home. Technology has changed us and not for the better.

  7. 0:02 I thought he was going to say “did you know the average person spends 4 years of their life in college?”

  8. I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.

    – Albert Einstein

  9. you look like that monster from monsters inc. that gets his face shucked a bunch and then turns white…

  10. My cell phone is old. It requires me to be intelligent, and refuses to take over the spelling option, preferring to leave it to me. My new car has provision to carry a cell phone. Problem is I need to have an Iphone or an android to get the instructions to install it. What is this(?) but mandatory electronic incorporation. I’m thinking about it… RobtheElder

  11. *makes viral video about how social media is ruining everything*
    *has all social media links in bio*

  12. This information is so good that at school we are not aloud phones in class or playgrounds if we want to do that stuff with our freinds family relatives that they can still do that but in three own time to spend less time on phones will increase our friendships and face to face conversations not to do with social media devices back in the 1900 they would have had to write letters and send them to each rather than technology put our human body to the test so try and spend less time on our phones

  13. Isn’t it ironic that he’s talking about not being on “social medias” but he’s posting this on a “social media”

  14. I love video games more than I can write in this comment but after watching this video I felt that they were just a distraction from life. NOW Lets just all put down the scrub games for one second like Minecraft, Pokémon go, , , Halo ,destiny, battlefront , Black ops And Clash royale . I am sorry if I just called out your favorite game  but its the truth.

  15. “Call me crazy but, I imagine a world where we smile when we have low batteries
    Cause that will mean we’ll be one bar closer – to humanity!” <3 <3

  16. this is so good my mom really needs to watch this,so she can spend time with family more then her phone

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