World Amazing Latest Technology Army Corps Of Engineers Modern Military Equipment: Pontoon Bridges

World Amazing Latest Technology Army Corps Of Engineers Modern Military Equipment: Pontoon Bridges

World Amazing Latest Technology of Army Corps of Engineers Modern Military Equipment: Pontoon Bridges and Mobile Roads mechanical engineering. Video is about modern work of engineering corps. How to make pontoon bridges and ferries. Russia, Germany and other Europe. Pontoons and bridges in a few minutes. Give a way where it does not exist. Tanks, machines and nuclear intercontinental ballistic missile.

Видео о современной работе инженерных войск. Как возводят понтонные мосты и переправы войска России, Германии и других европейских стран. Инженерные войска демонстрируют чудеса военной техники. Понтоны, мосты, металлическая мобильная алюминиевая дорога за считанные минуты. Дают дорогу там, где её нет. Переправа танков, машин и Тополь-М.

21 thoughts on “World Amazing Latest Technology Army Corps Of Engineers Modern Military Equipment: Pontoon Bridges”

  1. Great video – thank you!
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  2. this tech is not from America. i fear that Russia and other strong country will be against US

  3. I went from roomba to various other robots and now I am at tanks… Amazing how the internet leads you.

  4. 11 минут видео а рекламы на 12 минут, пи…..ц.

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