Intelligent Technology Smart Farming Automatic Chicken Turkey Catcher Transportation Mega Machine

Intelligent Technology Smart Farming Automatic Chicken Turkey Catcher Transportation Mega Machine

Incredible latest technology for advanced farmers. Automatic mega machines for neat catching of chickens and turkeys, as well as their transportation. Amazing automated complex systems for simplify farming. Video from the United States and the European Union.

Intelligent Technology Smart Farming Automatic Chicken Turkey Catcher Transportation Mega Machine


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Невероятные новейшие технологии для продвинутых фермеров. Автоматические мега машины для аккуратной ловли кур и индюков, а так же их транспортировки. Удивительные автоматизированные сложные системы для упрощения фермерской деятельности. Видео из США и стран Евросоюза.

31 thoughts on “Intelligent Technology Smart Farming Automatic Chicken Turkey Catcher Transportation Mega Machine”

  1. Such a big idiot technology come in India we will teach you how feed them and we treat them

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  3. Hate seeing chickens/turkeys getting slaughtered but eat chicken in some restaurant. Some people are really hypocrite. They are farm animals. They are meant to be eaten.

  4. dont say horrible becoz if all turned to vegetarian than the population of chicken will increase and rate of farming should also increase and the vegetable rate will increase and the pressure to the farmer will increase resulting the death of the farmer think about it

  5. Caniler serefsizler hayvana iskence yapan adiler ………………………………………………………………………………..

  6. Как развидеть эту херню теперь ??? Наверное и людей так скоро будут разводить …

  7. this machin is just the end of the good foid..poor chickens…you ‘d better find a machin to find water in starved countries…

  8. Fuck.Just think that if we are that chicken so sad.There are recevieng which they do not desrever they are so loving animals.Instead doing this cruelty why people can’t love them

  9. Inhumane… We as a humans destroying everything. We should stop this until everything extinct. We have done the damage to the earth as a asteriod catastrophy.

  10. May god these businesses got damn one day. Their owners and eaters will see death asap

  11. It’s cruel and it’s impossible to leave a non-offensive comment. This is not agricolture… this means you have nazis DNA.

  12. куры дуры запуганы вот так нас нло обрабатывает.к

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