Could Google Govern Better?

I went to Baltimore on a business trip, several months ago, and returned to find a speeding ticket in the mail a couple days later. It informed me that I was speeding on Interstate 95 somewhere outside Baltimore Maryland. A natural emotion came over me…I was pissed at getting a ticket, but I realized my disappointment was compounded by the fact that I didnt have a human to refute with or swear at, but I didnt feel inclined to question a machine.Today congress approval numbers hovers at a dismal 10%, so Im wondering if we would be less inclined to argue or question the actions of our government if an algorithm handled most of the affairs of day-to-day governance and decisions were made on a fact-based analysis of real data as opposed to influence from special interest.There could possible be a tremendous cost savings for everything with less human involvement, from tax filings to paying our annual vehicle registrations. A significant number of court cases could be left to an algorithm (I read this was going on already), based on the severity of the crime, how many prior offenses of the defendant and if the data is correct and everyone received the same sentence there would be fewer claims of unequal treatment under the law.A jury of the defendant’s peers wouldnt have to show up to a brick or mortar courthouse, that requires a huge cost to update and maintain, they could simply use facial recognition technology to appear in front of their monitors for a trial or be sequestered if the judge orders it.General welfare for the less fortunate would truly be based on need, and since all financial transactions will be electronic the government would have a more accurate way of determining how much taxes you pay as well. How many new citizens would we allow into the country? There could be an algorithm for that based on their need and training levels against, where their skill-sets are needed across the country.What about voting? We would have fewer politicians, but we could ensure many more voters if we securely voted from the mobile device or computer we use everyday.All public education can be done online…all citizens will be guaranteed an electronic device to learn. We would cut down less trees since most of our government documents would be paperless.Tremendous fines and criminal charges will be placed on entities that would sell information on citizens.Most sentences would place offenders under approved house arrest with a GPS tracking.How would we wage war to protect ourselves? Well, Switzerland has done a great job of not waging war, but this is when we vote to maintain treaties with countries like the US to avoid war or be well protected in the event of war.Religion would have zero impact on any choices made by government, or in other words, church would be separate from all state affairs.The 230 year old United States Constitution is a document that has stood the test of time and has positively influenced many countries all over the world, but the argument has always been the application and interpretation of the laws where humans are concerned. If a country cedes its sovereign rights to a Google like entity, it will give humans less biased choices to make. Wouldnt it at least be as radical as the American ideal?