Agriculture Technology – Agriculture Training Program, Israel

Agriculture Technology – Agriculture Training Program, Israel

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The Ramat Negev International Center for Agricultural Training

+972 8-655-7919

More more information about the development of modern agriculture in Israel – International Training in Agriculture at the Hebrew University ( The International School of Agricultural Sciences):
The Hebrew University:
The Ramat Negev International Center for Agricultural Training:
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, founded in 1918 and opened officially in 1925, is Israel’s premier university as well as its leading research institution. The Hebrew University is ranked internationally among the 100 leading universities in the world and first among Israeli universities. Learn the most efficient harvesting methods by using the newest and most up-to-date agricultural machinery and technology in our custom harvesting,business law school, online colleges,field, education online,aquaponic….

Product by ISRAEL Agriculture Technology

32 thoughts on “Agriculture Technology – Agriculture Training Program, Israel”

  1. father of israel abraham,isaac,and please well come to boram for development. thank u all israel people.

  2. Respect from Morocco , I hope that Morocco and Israel will develop a strong partnership . Salam and Shalom .

  3. I want to go to israel take part internship program in August, 2017.
    So what should we do?

  4. Israel provides very practical and advance systems of agriculture specially for developing nations.
    Without any prejudice world should gather the the fruits of their hard labour and dedication dispersed freely .

  5. How i wish our property in Palawan Philippines is like what you did in Israel… We have 30ha but we cannot do. Just like that… I want to be a farmer but we dont have money for what you did.

  6. I love this. How can one participate in this training program. Please can someone tell me and give me contact.

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