700 Mph In A Tube: The Hyperloop Experience

700 Mph In A Tube: The Hyperloop Experience

It’s Elon Musk’s idea, but Hyperloop Transportation Technologies is trying to make this “pipe dream” a reality.

6 thoughts on “700 Mph In A Tube: The Hyperloop Experience”

  1. Lavar ball: you come to UCLA and my boy will design it for you!

    Elon: how?

    Lavar: the big baller way

  2. Lol @ 2:33
    Window dressing.
    Women don’t create or invent anything. They never have.

    “Woman is woman by virtue of a certain lack of capability.”

  3. Once in time they say:”If you travel into a train with speed higher the 15 mphs you will be dead”. Now our Intercity Trains are reaching 250-300 km/s

  4. Crashing in 700 mph will be very interesting. Trying to stop or brake a train running at 700 mph will be even more interesting.

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