5 Robot Technology 2016 | Awesome Robots | Military Robots

5 Robot Technology 2016 | Awesome Robots | Military Robots

5 New Technology 2016 | Military Robots | Awesome Robots.
Technology and inventions about robots . Our technological advances are racing ahead! Here are 5 examples of Technology of Robotics and Military Robots.
From mega fighting robot wars challenges between the USA and Japan to running robots being created for the military, 2016 is sure to have a world of surprises in technological leaps and bounds in regards to advancements.
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PART 1 : 5 new technology 2016 –

26 thoughts on “5 Robot Technology 2016 | Awesome Robots | Military Robots”

  1. THERE ARE **NO** ARTIFICIALLY INTELLIGENT MACHINES IN EXISTENCE…YET. In spite of all these advanced CPU controlled robots that are impressive simulations, AI requires SPONTANEOUS THOUGHT. If a machine is running a program, NO MATTER HOW INTUITIVE IT IS, it’s still a program, written by a human, and the machine’s responses are NOT SPONTANEOUS, nor is the machine self aware (sentient).

  2. 14:32 The spiders gave a white supremacist Nazi salute then followed by a Muslim bum in the air prayer before going off to battle the humans.

  3. Aviam de usar um serbo humano no robo humanoid asim acho que ficava mais completo e mais humano ,até pesual.

  4. Para que, que enterram os mortos asim serviam para humanoides ficavam mais devertido e completos, não era pesual.

  5. *Some Facts Authenticating ‘Adhikr is from the Lord*

    The Book We have sent down unto you full of Blessings so that they may proud (ponder) about Its verses, and in order to remind those who utilize their intelligence (38: 29).

    The verse reminds the believers to be proud and self-sufficient with the blessed Book Adhikr. It is understood from the verse 25: 18 the Muslims who became the bore and boar people by forgetting Adhikr – Wise Reminder – will not utilize It. Therefore it is the inevitable duty of the believers to motivate the intelligent people belonging to the Messenger Muhammad’s community (people other than Muslims) to utilize Adhikr by pointing out the predictions and prophecies of the Splendid Book Adhikr. The verse 41: 53 says: “We will show them Our verses on the horizons as well as in themselves until It becomes clear to them that indeed It is the Truth; doesn’t your Lord sufficient for you as a witness upon everything? “.

    Some examples which were not understood before, but understandable today:

    – The fact that each and every individual bears his recording software on his neck as mentioned in the verses 17: 13-14 can be easily understood nowadays since computer is commonly used everywhere in the day to day affairs. This fact can be compared to the ‘black box’ used in aeroplane from which all details relating to the aeroplane can be recovered.

    – The fact that man is created in the belly of mother in three veils of darkness mentioned in the verses 39: 6 is recognised and approved by the medical science.

    – The palatable clear water and salted bitter water existing in the sea without mingling each other mentioned in the verse 25: 53 is discovered recently.

    – The fact that universe is formed through big bang explosions and water is made essential for existence of life mentioned in the verse 21: 30.

    – The fact that heart is participating for the sight mentioned in the verse 22: 46.

    – The dead body of Pharaoh present in Egyptian museum today having 3000 years old is kept by Lord Allah as a sign for mankind mentioned in the verse 10: 92

    – The mountain of clouds in the sky just like Ice Mountains mentioned in the verse 24: 43 became visible only after the invention of the aeroplane.

    – Lord Allah who created man with unique fingerprints is capable to resurrect him by assembling his bones mentioned in the verses 75: 3-4 is more remarkable today when fingerprints are used as a criterion for identity.

    – Everything is created in pairs; from the earth produces, from their own and the things they have no knowledge mentioned in the verse 36: 36 is more understandable today when an atom can also be divided.

    – If scientific knowledge before was the sun is immobile while the earth and other planets are swimming around it along in their orbits; the modern science have approved that sun also moves towards its destination as mentioned in the verse 36: 38.

    – The earth will submit its record on the Day of Judgement as mentioned in the verse 99: 4 can be understood easily today as the audio and video recordings are widely used.

    As told in the verse 62: 2-3 Prophet Muhammed and Book Adhikr are not only for illiterate Arabs, but also for those from among illiterate who will take birth up till the Dooms Day. One can understand from from this verse that Adhikr – the Wise Reminder – can be grasped more by those who can’t read and write Arabic than those who are proud in learning Arabic. Since Adhikr is the speech of the Lord which is made very easy to understand, if anyone is reading It by praying with soul as: ” Oh my Lord! Increase me the knowledge”, he can grasp It very easily as told in the verse 54: 17.

    Today those people who belong to Messenger Muhammad’s community ( people other than Muslims) by reading and understanding Adhikr can codify the belief according to It’s teaching. They should also have to remind Muslims who became the bore people by rejecting Adhikr- the Straight Book. Whoever from mankind if hides Adhikr-the real knowledge from the Lord-after receiving It should return to the Hell- Kafir Satan’s paradise. Anyone who likes to return to the Paradise should testify and follow Adhikr which is the only Ticket to the Paradise as well as Safeguard against the Hell.

    From the Three Time Knower mentioned in the verse 25: 59.


  6. bah humbug. those robugtix at the end really weren’t that impressive. show them actually doing something constructive, then I might be impressed

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